Medication Management

What is a Home Medication List/Log?

This is a list of all medications, supplements and vitamins that you are taking regularly or semi-regularly. This list/log may also include inhalers, injectables, eye drops, ear drops, antibiotics, patches, topical creams and ointments, over-the-counter medications and herbals.

Why is this important?

The medication list/log helps you and your providers with your care. In an emergency, the list/log helps the caregivers to know your medications and allergies. It also helps to prevent drug interactions and side effects.

What needs to be on the list?

Medication name, either brand name or generic
Dose Strength
, how many you take at a time
Directions, ex. daily, twice a day, once a week, in the morning, bedtime or evenings
Indication, why are you taking the medication, or illness it’s treating
Prescriber, list the provider and if they are a specialist (ex. primary care, cardiologist)
, date and name
Preferred Pharmacy

Where to keep my list?

You can keep a paper copy in your wallet or an electronic copy on your phone. Share your list with a loved one or caretaker in case you’re unable to provider the information.

Click here to create a medication list that you can print and keep with you. Bring to any hospital or physician office visit.

Medication Log

Go over your medication list with your provider at each visit.
Ask for an updated medication list before you leave your providers office after each visit.

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